Local Unions Covered under the UPS Health & Welfare Plan

referred to as R4 or (503)


We are looking for members of the following IBT Locals. People in these Locals are covered under the same UPS R4 (503) plan as IBT Local 705 and Local 710 in Chicago area and Central Illinois. If you are in one of these locals please contact us (mail to: RealAdvocate@aol.com) as we need to compare coverage as the SUMMARY of BENEFITS we received from Corporate in ATLANTA are vague and misleading.

IBT Locals 40 & 637 in Central Ohio

IBT Locals 123 & 49 in the Dakotas

IBT Locals 89 &135 in Indiana

IBT Locals 90, 147,218,238,421,554,650 & 828 in Iowa

IBT Locals 89 in Western Kentucky

IBT Locals 243,339,& 698 (if retired after October 1, 1987) in Metro Detroit

IBT Locals 328,332,339,406,486, 580 in Michigan

IBT Locals 554 in Nebraska

IBT Locals 377 & 407 Clericals in North Ohio

IBT Locals 17, 307 & 435 in the Rocky Mountain District

IBT Locals 92, 100, and AFL-CIO Local 98 inn South Ohio

IBT Locals 688 in Missouri

IBT Locals 705 in Central Illinois, Metro Chicago & Northern Illinois

IBT Locals 710 in Central Illinois, Metro Chicago & Northern Illinois,

Indiana, Iowa, (if retired after August 1, 1990)

Has your coverage or provider changed recently?

Have you been having problems getting your bills paid?

Have you been receiving the Summary of Material Modifications?

Has your Local Union denied any knowledge or responsibility with regard to your benefits?

Have you been receiving EOB’S stating your charges are beyond the Usual Customary Rates?